Why Machine-Room-Less Elevators are Perfect for Residential Buildings ?

When we think of elevators, the image that often comes to mind is a tall building with a mechanical room at the top or bottom. This room is where the machinery that makes the elevator move is typically housed. But in recent years, there's been a shift towards what are called machine room less elevators , or MRLs. These innovative lifts are becoming more popular, especially in residential buildings. Let’s dive into why they are gaining favour and what advantages they bring.

What is a Machine-Room-Less Elevator?

In traditional elevators, also known as machine-room lifts, the machinery responsible for moving the elevator car is usually housed in a dedicated room at the top of the shaft. This room can take up valuable space, which is a precious commodity in many residential buildings. Machine room less lift, on the other hand, eliminates the need for this separate machine room. Instead, the machinery is integrated into the elevator shaft or directly on top of the car. This design shift offers several benefits, which we'll explore below.


Space-Saving Design

One of the key benefits of MRL elevators is their space-saving design. Traditional elevators need a separate room at the top of the building to house the machinery. This dedicated space can consume valuable real estate, limiting the amount of usable space within the building. At Hexalifts, we understand the importance of maximising space. Our MRL elevators eliminate the need for a separate machine room, as the machinery is integrated into the elevator shaft. This approach gives architects and developers the freedom to use the extra space for other purposes, such as additional apartments, storage, or comfort .


Cost-Effective Construction

Because MRL elevators don't require a separate machine room, construction costs can be lower. Builders don't have to spend extra money on creating a dedicated space for machinery, which can involve additional structural supports and ventilation systems. The streamlined design of MRL elevators can lead to cost savings during the building's construction phase, making them an attractive option for developers and builders.


Energy Efficiency

MRL elevators are often more energy-efficient than traditional elevators. They typically use gearless technology and regenerative drives, which reduce energy consumption during operation. Regenerative drives can even convert energy generated during braking into electricity, which can be used to power other systems in the building. This energy-efficient design not only helps reduce electricity costs but also contributes to a greener, more sustainable environment.


Easier Installation and Maintenance

Installing an MRL elevator can be easier and faster compared to traditional elevators. Without the need for a machine room, builders have more flexibility in terms of installation logistics. This can lead to shorter installation times, reducing disruptions to residents during construction or renovation projects.

Additionally, maintenance can be simpler with MRL elevators. Since the machinery is within the elevator shaft, technicians can access it more easily, reducing the need for complicated setups and safety protocols associated with machine-room access. This can result in lower maintenance costs and faster service, leading to a better overall experience for building owners and residents.


Design Flexibility

MRL elevators offer greater design flexibility for architects and builders. Without the constraints of a machine room, designers have more freedom to create unique building shapes and layouts. This flexibility can lead to more aesthetically pleasing and innovative building designs, enhancing the overall appeal of residential structures.


Safety and Reliability

MRL elevators offer greater design flexibility for architects and builders. Without the constraints of a machine room, designers have more freedom to create unique building shapes and layouts. This flexibility can lead to more aesthetically pleasing and innovative building designs, enhancing the overall appeal of residential structures.



Machine-room-less elevators offer numerous advantages for residential buildings, from space-saving designs and cost-effective construction to energy efficiency and design flexibility. They provide an attractive alternative to traditional elevators, helping builders and architects create more innovative, efficient, and sustainable structures. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect MRL elevators to play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of residential construction.

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